Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hockey Game

Go Hudson Raiders!!!
We attended the Girls Hockey Game tonight (Raiders vs. Fusion). We started the game in the warming area but we think Kendall liked being closer to the action by the ice. She had a lot to watch...the hockey players and spectators. Note: Check out her UND socks that Uncle Steve got her for Christmas...Go Sioux!

We Won the Contest

Thank you to everyone who checked out Jen's Portraits Blog site and voted. We Won!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

We got the Sniffles

Us sharing some giggle time although Jeff gets the prize this week for making her giggle the loudest and longest with a "goofy" game!
She is trying to figure out all what her tongue can do.
Kendall got the case of the sniffles early this week and I caught it from her... so it begins! Jeff was lucky and hasn't caught it...his immune system amazes me!! We still managed to have some fun inspite of being under the weather, Kendall loves this game and "flying."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kendall Gets A High Chair!!

"Gimme some food!"

Thank you to everyone who has voted for Kendall for the baby contest...we now are in the lead. Yee-Haw, I hope we can maintain our lead. If you still haven't voted and would like to please see the below post under "We Need Your Votes" for information! Thanks again!

Grandma Perunovich Visits

Kendall had a busy weekend and enjoyed having Grandma Perunovich around.

Friday, January 16, 2009

We need your votes!!!!

Ok everyone...please log onto (click on Jens Portraits under "Blog List" on the right) and vote for Kendall's picture. The winner of this contest gets a complimentary First Birthday session and of course we would love to win!!! So far, we are really behind on votes so spread the word too. Thank you! Have a good weekend and check back on Sunday or Monday for weekend pictures and updates!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

What have we been up to?

Kendall has started on rice cereal and wasn't quite sure about it at first but now she is getting the hang of it! Jeff is coping well with the mess she makes at "meal" time. He not only has food adversions with eating food but also with food being on faces, hands, tables...and pretty much everywhere but in a mouth or on a plate! I am going to have fun watching him feed her when she REALLY gets into solid food!!!! Funny Story about baby Jeff that Karen told me: She had to have a wash cloth to dab Jeff's face off during feeding time because he absolutely hated when food went outside of his lips/mouth. Kendall has mastered the "MMMM" sounds...she has accidently said mama a few times. Jeff and I bet her first word will be "hi." Only time will tell...
Kendall attended daycare for the first time last week. I think it will take a few weeks for all of us to adjust to our new schedule. She is in the "Little Observers" room which is very fitting to Kendall's personality. We are excited about our daycare providers and for Kendall to meet other babies.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Erickson Christmas Celebration

Kendall with Grandma Karen
What is this expression?!?!

Kendall had a good time with this toy
(I think Jeff was having some fun too).

The last of our Christmas celebrations was this weekend and we felt like the holiday season went by too fast. We are blessed to have such great families that care and love Kendall so much. She will have plenty of toys to play with and plenty of wonderful clothes to wear this year. Thank you to everyone for your generosity, we greatly appreciate the gifts.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!!

Happy New Year! We hope 2009 is good to everyone and that all of your new year resolutions are kept. Jeff and I don't do resolutions but we will do our best to be good parents, friends, siblings, children, workers...basically to set a good example for Kendall.