Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's Tourney Time!!!!

Kendall is checking out Linus

The hockey game was at the Excel Center so we knew we had to get a picture next to Linus. Hopefully, next year we will be able to take Kendall to a Wild hockey game.

Gymnastics Meet

We went to the MN State High School Gymnastics meet at the U of M last night. I think Kendall enjoyed the audience cheering the most. Watching the gymnasts flip

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lots of Updates!

One of the gospel readings at church (Ash Wednesday mass) is a favorite of mine ....Matthew 7 :19-21; Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroys, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroy, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.

Whenever I hear or read this it gives me a priority check...

Kendall has found that Izzy is fun to watch...Kendall gets so excited and happy when she sees "kitty" although Izzy wants nothing to do with Kendall. As you can tell in the picture Izzy is staying back from Kendall.

Now that Kendall can sit without support she now has a new goal of ripping the ladybug off of her toy. She is determined to do so... as you can see in the picture!

She got a HAIR CUT!!!! At 6 months old I don't think this is very common, but she was having difficulty seeing the world with her bangs covering her eyes.

Kendall had her 6 month baby well check up and weighed in at 15.5#...she is doing just great and recovered well from the shots.

Napping in the swing after a rough early morning start. Everyone in the house has not been feeling well in the past two weeks.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Today is not only Valentine's Day but also our 4 1/2 year Wedding Anniversary. My mother has offered to watch Kendall while we head out to a movie...our first "date" since Kendall's birth. YEAH, What a treat!
Kendall and Grandma being "goofy"

Kendall got a Valentine's gift from her Grandma Perunovich's classroom. Thank You Mrs. Etter's 6th Grade Class!! And Kendall would like to give a special "hello" to Maria!

She enjoyed looking at the pictures of the fish and the story is so cute.

Kendall opening a Valentine's gift from Grandma Perunovich

Kendall's very first Valentine! She received it from my friend's two sons: Conrad and Bennett. She LOVED it...Thank you boys!

She hung onto it and studied it for quite awhile.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Loving Her Jumper

Taking a break from playing

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Liz turns 2!

Happy Birthday Liz!

She sure had fun eating her cake!!

Liz sang 'Jingle Bells' perfectly for her birthday audience

Kendall with Brandon but laughing at Erin

Me with and "the girls"

Kendall is listening to Liz explain that she is "2" in "February"

Kendall and Erin

Kendall joining the action...don't worry...the sucker was for me ;)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Rolling the Other Way!

Now Kendall can roll from stomach to back too...we always knew she had the strength but she didn't "officially" roll this way until today. And guess who got to see it first...Jeff!!! I was at work again...she seems to always do the new things on Fridays when she's home with dad. We need to get her on the "Do the new things" on Saturday with both of us home.