We got 5 loaves out of this batch! There are specific loaf pans for potica bread (they are a little thinner and longer than a standard loaf pan).

Potica is known to those of Slovenian ancestry, as well as to anyone who was raised near Minnesota's Iron Range. An old world pastry, Potica is made from a dough rolled and stretched very thin (6ft by 4ft, if not longer) that a newspaper can be read through it. It's layered with a mixture of walnuts, butter, sugar, cream and vanilla (often called the "meat"), then rolled into a spiral and baked to a crisp brown. Potica can be enjoyed in many different ways; I like mine warmed along with Hot Cocoa, Jeff likes his warmed with butter, my mom likes hers warmed with butter along with coffee, my dad likes to eat the dough raw, my brother likes his made into french toast, and my Uncle Bob likes his with ham.

Us rolling it up!

My mom spreading the "meat" which is basically a dietitian's nightmare.
The start of rolling the dough out...it later after rolling it out and stretching it covered the entire table and even hung over the sides.
My mom is visiting this weekend and Kendall got to watch us make Potica. I thought it would be fun to post pics of the Potica making process. Potica is one of our family traditions...making it and eating it! I am still a beginner at making it but I have my mother and my Aunt Barb to teach me tips. We are hoping one day Kendall will want to be involved in our family tradition!! She sure enjoyed watching us make it.
Thank you Aunt Barb for the tip on making a potica board...it made the process a lot easier than using the standard table.
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