The family stopped at Nelson's for a very filling and delicious breakfast before getting to Clearwater Lake. This restaurant had a great variety of bakery items which made me wonder what "sweets" Kendall will like...will she like doughnuts like Jeff or Smores like me?

Kendall has been wearing a little fountain hair-do lately so we had to snap a picture next to the water fountain right outside the lake place. (Kendall says "HI EVERYBODY")

We stopped by to visit Jeff's Aunt Tamie...which was a short golf cart ride away from Ken's place. Rachel and I had a hoot observing the golf cart habits of the campground residents.

By far this is the BEST golf cart at the campground...Kyle (Jeff's cousin) did an awesome job with the Mustang theme! Kendall seems to like it too...she's following the family tradition!
Kendall wanted to do more than just soak her feet in the water resulting in her pants getting soaked. I think she will have fun in June when we start our Sea Turtle swim class at the YMCA.
After putting Kendall to sleep and sadly watching the Pitts. Penguins lose the first game in the last Stanley Cup Series we sat around the fire listening to campground musicians. Ken (Jeff's dad) along with the others entertained us with lots of songs...harmonica, guitars, singing and good company (maybe a little beer) made for a great campfire night.

Jeff's Grandpa decorated this golf cart...Made in the U.S.A. And yes, that is duct tape which comes with a scary, but funny story!

Kendall is laughing at the story...silly Great-Grandpa Floyd!!

I have no idea what these two are talking about...either the duct tape on the golf cart or the money Kendall has riding on Detroit winning the Stanley Cup?!?
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