Friday, August 15, 2008

A C-Section it is!!

What a week! Between doing the exercises until I was blue in the face and dealing with the emotional stress of the situation I was more than happy to see the MD today. Jeff and I decided against the MD doing the external version (manual flipping of the baby). Dr. Dean after reviewing the ultrasound thought the chance of success was now only 30%. The baby, at about 39 weeks, has little room and less fluid surrounding it making it difficult for huge movements to happen. We feel good about our decision and the c-section is planned for Monday! We plan to get plenty of rest and spend some time together this weekend expecting the next two-three weeks especially to be tough with the c-section restrictions that I have.


CLWarmbold said...

Hang in there cuz, it will work out great. I love your blog I have a site on myspace with our baby info but I might try the blog. Sounds like your ready for this baby to be here and try not to stress out! We have hit 37 weeks and have about all our stuff in order now as well. Let us know how things are going and all, were praying for a heathly birth for both of you, hugs. Christopher and Lita

karrimlarson said...

Thought I would check the blog for some baby news. Amy and I are anxiously awaiting the news.